One Time Website Boosters
Although optimizing your website’s performance is, in my opinion, a long term strategy just like other marketing strategies there are some one time products to boost your website.
A website needs to be on the first page of Google to be found by your new or existing customers.
These products are in most cases part of my long-time SEO strategies but can be used on an individual basis to help you without using a long term commitment.
Press Release

Many small or even medium-sized businesses think that a press release is only for large multinationals or nationwide operating companies.
This is not true. Writing and releasing a press release with news about your company will be published on hundreds of news websites that are frequently visited by Google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and many others.
The advantage is that when Google crawls these news websites they find links to your website there and these links are kind of like a vote of popularity and can boost the authority of your website.
An article on a high domain website
Although a press release can have a nice positive impact an article on a smaller, high authority website can be even more effective.
I can provide you with these articles that will be written with your company or business as the subject and then link back to your company website.
Contact me for this very effective way to boost your website.

Social Signals

A website that has no social signals means that people do not talk about it.
This shows the importance of having social signals like Facebook likes and Twitter mentions from an established site that is being crawled by Google.
It basically does not make any difference in what type of business you are. Social signals are important for your website
I can provide you with these social signals for very affordable prices. Feel free to contact me about them.
There is a lot more I can do for your company website to be found on the first page of Google besides these one-time products to boost your website.
From a complete overhaul of your website with my up to date web design to fixing your on-page errors
I can offer your custom SEO for your website for very competitive prices and my personal advice.
Feel free to contact me with any question you have about the one time products to boost your website.
Edward van Aken